Rhesus’s roster includes: Plainsmen, Woodsmen, Mountaineers, War Chanters, Thracian Spearmen, Worshippers of Pan, Thracian Guards, Androphones, Dasophylakes, Warriors of Pangaion, Devoted to Zalmoxis, Forest Skirmishers, Thracian Hunters, Forest Ambushers, Thracian Bowmen and Thracian Archers. Instead, his prestige attracts camp followers to bolster his armies or grant him special actions before battle.
Resourceful Strategist: Memnon does not have access to Spy, Envoy or Priestess Agents to aid his war efforts. He must enact Royal Decrees to unlock units from each of the four regions: Aethiopia, Egypt, Canaan and Susa. Pharaoh’s Servant: Memnon relies on the influence and wealth of his Pharaoh to reinforce his ranks with soldiers from far-off lands. Therefore, his military expedition cannot inhabit settlements but can take advantage of War Spoils to further power his war efforts in defense of Troy. Horde: Memnon seeks but one thing – to raze every inch of Achaea. These grant a variety of bonuses, including access to elite units, settlement bonuses and army buffs. Thracian Rituals: Blessed with immense religious powers, Rhesus enacts rituals to please the old cults of Thrace. Doing so unlocks the summoning of powerful host armies to ravage the land of eternal enemies. Countless Host: Rhesus must seek out and unite the various inter-warring Thracian tribes and unite them under one banner. Beginning his campaign on the island of Rhodes, he must call upon reinforcements from the Pharaoh to aid his war efforts. Memnon leads a horde-style military expedition to prevent the bloody assault on Troy by defeating the Achaean forces. Memnon, half-cousin of Paris and Hector, is a warrior-king of the far sun-drenched lands of Aethiopia, which is a vassal state of Pharaonic Egypt. Rhesus’s roster is unique and relies on fierce charges and mighty chariots. With his introduction, a new playable faction is revealed – the blood-thirsty and fierce tribes of Thrace.
Rhesus, the mighty king of Thrace, is a latecomer to Troy’s defense and has promised to repel the Greeks and conquer their strongholds. Rhesus and Memnon are two new Epic Heroes from Homer’s Iliad who have come to bolster the defenses of Troy in its time of great need. WHAT IS A TOTAL WAR SAGA: TROY – RHESUS & MEMNON?Ī Total War Saga: TROY – Rhesus & Memnon is the new Epic Hero Pack for A Total War Saga: TROY. New features to improve player experience.
New factions and culture-specific building options. Thematic new mechanics for both Epic Heroes. Two new army rosters, consisting of 49 new units. Two Epic Heroes from the Iliad ‒ Rhesus, the Thracian King, and Memnon, King of Aethiopia.
WHAT WILL BE IN THE DLC?Ī Total War Saga: TROY ‒ Rhesus & Memnon introduces: The mighty Rhesus and Memnon come to the aid of Troy in the latest DLC for A Total War Saga: TROY.